Connectivity Profile Analysis (CPA)
Between-Group CPA (Matlab)
Subject-Level CPA (Matlab)
CPA Statistical Thresholding (Matlab)
Temporal Unwrapping/ Communication Synchrony
Temporal Communication Patterns Across Edges in a Circuit/Network (Matlab)
Machine Learning
Use Nested Cross-Validation to Predict Group Classification from Voxel-Wise Data (Matlab)
Predict Task Performance/Demographic Variables in an Out-of-Sample Group from Voxel-Wise Data (Matlab)
Detecting and Removing Functional Connectivity Inflation
Detect and remove the FC inflation artifact from your data (Shell + Matlab)
Functional Connectivity
Clean Minimally-Processed HCP Resting-State Scans & Create Seed-Based Connectivity Maps (Bash)
Permutation Testing/Miscellaneous
Quantify the Overlap of Two Voxel Clusters and Compute Significance (R)