Optimizing fMRI Methods & Analysis for Deeper Insights about the Human Brain
Korponay, C., Janes, A.C., Frederick, B.B. (2023) Brain-wide functional connectivity artifactually inflates throughout functional magnetic resonance imaging scans. Nature human behavior
Korponay, C., Stein E.A., Ross, T.J. (2022) Misconfigured striatal connectivity profiles in smokers. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47(12), 2081-2089.
Korponay, C., Stein E.A., Ross, T.J. (in prep) Connectivity profiles and their (mis)configuration: a rethink of circuit assessment in clinical neuroimaging
Frontostriatal Circuits: Unraveling spatiotemporal organization and functions
Korponay, C., Stein E.A., Ross, T.J. (2022) The temporal organization of corticostriatal communications. bioRxiv
Korponay, C., Stein E.A., Ross, T.J. (2021) Laterality hotspots in the striatum. Cerebral Cortex, 32(14), 2943-2956.
Korponay, C., Choi, E.Y., Haber, S.N. (2020) Corticostriatal Projections of Macaque Area 44. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 1(1), tgaa079.
Impulsive and Habit-Driven Behavior: Implications for Health, Policy and Law
Korponay, C. (2023) Snapping out of autopilot: Overriding habits in real time and the role of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18 (2), 482–490.
Korponay, C. (2022) The next frontier of combating drug addiction in America. MIT Science Policy Review, 3
Korponay, C., and Koenigs, M. (2021) Gray matter correlates of impulsivity in psychopathy and in the general population differ by kind, not by degree: A comparison of systematic reviews. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16 (7), 683-695
Korponay, C., Kosson, D.S., Decety, J., Kiehl, K.A. and Koenigs, M. (2017). Brain volume correlates with duration of abstinence from substance abuse in a region-specific and substance-specific manner. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 2(7), pp. 626-635.
Korponay, C., Dentico, D., Kral, T., Ly, M., Kruis, A., Goldman, R., Lutz, A., and Davidson, R. (2017). Neurobiological correlates of impulsivity in healthy adults: lower prefrontal gray matter volume and spontaneous eye-blink rate but greater resting-state functional connectivity in basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuitry. NeuroImage, 157, 288-296.
Korponay, C., Pujara, M., Deming, P., Philippi, C., Decety, J., Kosson, D.S., Kiehl, K.A. and Koenigs, M. (2017). Impulsive-antisocial psychopathic traits linked to increased volume and functional connectivity within prefrontal cortex. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 1169-1178.
Korponay, C., Pujara, M., Deming, P., Philippi, C., Decety, J., Kosson, D.S., Kiehl, K.A. and Koenigs, M. (2017). Impulsive-antisocial dimension of psychopathy linked to enlargement and abnormal functional connectivity of the striatum. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2(2), pp.149-157.
Korponay, C. and Koenigs, M. (2016). The neurobiology of antisocial and amoral behavior: Insights from brain science and implications for law. Legal Insanity and the Brain: Science, Law and European Courts, Moratti, S. & Patterson, D, (Editors), Bloomsbury Publishing.
Effects of Behavioral Interventions on the Brain and Behavior
Kral, T.R.A., Davis, K., Korponay, C. Hoel, R., Tello, L.Y., Goldman, R., Rosenkranz, M.A., Lutz, A., Davidson, R.J. (2022) Absence of structural brain changes from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: Two combined randomized controlled trials. Science Advances, 8(20): eabk3316.
Adluru, N., Korponay, C., Norton, D.L., Goldman, R.I., Davidson, R.J. (2020). BrainAGE and regional volumetric analysis of a Buddhist Monk: a longitudinal MRI case study. NeuroCase, 26(2), 79-90.
Korponay, C., Dentico, D., Kral, T., Ly, M., Kruis, A., Davis, K., Goldman, R., Lutz, A., and Davidson, R. (2019). The effect of mindfulness meditation on impulsivity and its neurobiological correlates in healthy adults. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 11963.